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COA Selection Working Group in Neurosciences

Our website offers resources to drug developers and independent researchers aiming to confirm the effect of new treatments. 

COA Working Group in Neurosciences offers the Clinical Outcomes Assessment Selection guidance document and additional materials for sponsors and researchers. 

Access COA Selection Guidance Document

Process for Outcomes Selection


Build Disease Impact Model and Background


Defining the Scope of use for the Clinical Outcomes Set


Determining WHAT to measure (dimensions)


Determining HOW to measure (measurement method)

Latest News

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Proud to anounce that our Clinical Outcomes Group in CNS has been Constitued as a Thematic Working Group within the ECNP
A Targeted Working Group within the ECNP has been constitued in Desember 2022. Details...

About us

Experts in Clinical Research in Neurosciences constitute the COA Group. Members are representatives of the different stakeholders that play a role in the design of innovative clinical trials, pharma industry, consultants, regulators, clinicians, and services providers companies. The representativity includes European countries, United States of America, Canada and Asian regions. Clinical trials in neurosciences show a high percentage of negative trials when new drugs have to demonstrate effic...

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